So here is imagery to this blog, imagine a girl in her early twenties, tad ugly wait hideous, freshly shaved and inked, thinking about conundrums of adulting; real-life parallels; in a desperate need of more meaning and of course more metaphors in life. To top it all some Jagjit Sahab in the background with Fleabag’s dialogues in her head and the clock swinging between 3:30 to 4 a.m. similar to the young lady at 3 o’clock whose pair of luscious bosom you must have lusted today.

A breather is all what she requires to create a list of all the things which don’t suck when everything else is falling apart and going awry. Weird isn’t it? Oh, not god but the human mind works in a mysterious way.

So a stupid list is as follows-

honk marking the arrival of the train; stealing succulents; welding beams; an oxblood red lip; half-hearted listening to friend’s song suggestion; planting a seed; girlfriend’s oinks; happy hour at your cheap 80s style bar; wet sand; fevicol over fingertips; an uneven array of bougainvilleas; ASMR sounds; cats wearing dresses; scenic overlooks along the evening walks; old gadgets; changing the typewriter’s ribbon; wine glass stain; that calico white t-shirt/top; crystal stones; kids’ section; punk rock over metal; rickshaw rides after 10 p.m.; clueless yet carefree afternoon wanders in a new city; lover’s mismatched socks; yellow coffee mugs; faded street murals; bey blade rink; that silver ring;




Oops, that god damn smile. That smile could be the death of me.

Oh, the list is not complete so does the purpose and reason behind these vague scribbles. I am gonna complete it again. Till then, Cin-Cin!


By: 90s Kitsch