“Hey, I see Faith in you”.

No no, don’t get carried away with semantics here, a story follows. If we ever get a chance to communicate, ask me about my tale of woes.

Hello Stranger! I know you randomly stumbled across this article and decided to open it. Now it’s my courtesy to make you privy to the information that this is not a blog-blog but a written journal account, where my purpose is to present myself in the truest form, ergo realizing my dark necessities. I am no writer, yet. My blog won’t exactly be pompously filled with fancy words but raw and straight from the heart. Just like the first draft which you might strike off or tear apart in your unicorn worlds.

So, take it easy for me, please?

Coming back, have you ever wondered how much weight or conviction a sheer four-lettered word could carry in itself? Take two deep breaths and say out aloud- HOPE.

Do you feel something inside? Let’s do it once again. Can you, now? A sudden kick; a gush of energy; or just calmness within? Well, if you feel like I feel, let me know it’s real. Hence, we are on the same page. Up High!

So this is how much I confide in hope and sailing through this ocean called everyday life. As easy as it sounds, this hasn’t been a smooth ride after all. My belief system has been questioned the nth number of times for its mere stupidity and castles-in-the-sky expectations. It is questionable though. What if hope is the biggest lie known to human existence? A sham? An escape just to hide from the brutal truth?

But then what choice are we left with if not hope and pine for good to happen?
I can recall a small poem by Emily Dickinson as I write this-
“Hope” is the thing with feather
That perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops – at all
And sweetest – in the gale – is heard –
And sore must be the storm –
That could abash the little Bird
That kept so many warm –
I’ve heard it in the chillest land –
And on the strangest Sea –
Yet – never – in Extremity,
It asked a crumb – of me.

Now, call it a belief system, a coping mechanism, or just a last resort.

Can you keep a secret that this website is also thriving on hope? What if it works? What if Rocket Man succeeds in his plans to create a community? And guess what he will. Because with hope in heart, our actions align with our beliefs. We start taking one step forward to our purpose. But this only happens if the intentions are pure. Your deeds ought to be virtuous and untainted by any speck of malicious desire which could end up hurting people around you, and not only humans but animals or nature also.

I am also breathing in hope- in hope for a yes, hope to build a nest, wish to reach my 120 miles, desire to see calico skies.
What are you hopeful for?

(In case, you end up liking the poesy which is a precious gem from my treasure trove, I can record and send it to you if you please)


By: 90s Kitsch